There is usually a time lapse between receipt of new information and its publication. 新信息的接收与发布之间通常会间隔一段时间。
This event is configured to accept a CBE message from CEI and, upon receipt of this message, to automatically process and output a subset of information contained within the message to a file. 此事件配置为从CEI接收CBE消息,在接收到此消息时,将自动处理消息中的信息子集,并将其输出到文件。
Advertising should be separate from the receipt information. 广告应该与数据信息分离开来。
For a barcode, you expect that the vendor will print a barcode on the receipt with appropriate information encoded so it can be scanned later. 对于条形码,则需要商家能够在收据上打印出编码了恰当信息的条形码以供日后扫描。
Please fax back the bank receipt slip or the above credit card information to 2632-0388. 银行收据复本或信用咭捐款资料可传真至2632-0388。
A response is returned to the initiator indicating successful receipt and secure storage of the information. 将已成功接收并全安储存资讯的讯息,回应给起始的发送系统知道。
Some donors place the receipt in the traditional collection plate to retain the old-time sense of giving. Donors to African Education Information System 有些捐款者将收据放在传统的捐款盘,以保留旧时的奉献况味。非洲教育捐助者信息系统
Upon receipt of the above information, a brief brochure will be sent to you bye-mail. 在收到上述信息后,简短的小册子,将发送到你的电子邮箱。
On receipt of the PR or preliminary information, the Procurement Manager will issue details of requirements to suitably approved vendors with a request for quotation. 收到请购单或初步信息后,采购经理将向经认可的供应商发出详细要求,并随附报价要求书。
Series The command has been accepted, but the requested action is on hold, pending receipt of further information. 命令被接受,但是被要求的行动被保留,直到收到索取补充材料。
The formal quotation will be sent to you as soon as possible upon receipt of the following information. 正式报价将尽快发送给您收到以下信息。
The receipt is stamped, so just fill in the information. 收据已经盖印,所以只要填上资料就好。
Customers are kindly requested to take the valid receipt to have their respective bonus points booked into the registration records at the information desk of Garden City Center. 请消费者持当日有效消费凭据,在花园城中心总服务台录入积分。
Upon receipt of this information, WHO will also include these cases in the cumulative total for Viet Nam. 在收到这些信息后,世卫组织还将把这些病例列入越南的累计总数。
Many systems will produce an automated note that confirms receipt of an application, or gives information about general timelines, but you won't see it if it gets caught by your spam blocker. 一些系统会自动发出一封信确认收到你的申请,或者给出一些大概的时间信息,但如果这些信件被你的信箱过滤掉了你可能就看不见了。
The maritime administrative institution shall, after receipt of the report, timely circularize the abovementioned information to the port administrative department at the locality of the port. 海事管理机构接到报告后,应当及时将上述信息通报港口所在地的港口行政管理部门。
We are awaiting the receipt of further information. 我们正在等着接获进一步的信息。
The notifications can contain links to a web site to retrieve more information or to acknowledge receipt of the information. 通知可以包含指向网站的链接,用于检索详细信息或确认已收到信息。
The Study and Realization to the System of Broadcast and Receipt to Stock Information based of Cable Modem 基于CABLEModem的证券资讯广播、接收系统研究与实现
Song Dynasty established a comparatively complete system of announcements and ceremonies of amnesty, and of receipt, registration, compilation and keeping of laws, which made the information of laws unblocked. 宋在大赦诏书的颁布、大赦仪式,法律的接收登录和编集保管等方面制定了较为完备的制度,使法律信息畅通无阻。
Brief introduction of revised receipt printing program for military healthy information management system 部队卫生信息管理系统收据打印程序修改简介
The operation process of warehouse receipt hypothecation financing is discussed,. The requirement of information system, it's characters and precondition for realization are analyzed. 阐述了仓单质押的业务过程,分析了开展此业务的三方对信息化的需求,研究了需求的特点和实现的前提。
First, the user needs analysis, the results that come out with a use case diagram, then the system is divided into four main modules: the management of receipt issued a document management, departmental personnel information management and document management. 首先对用户的需求进行分析,将分析结果用用例图表示出来,然后将系统划分成四个主要的模块:收文管理,发文管理,部门人员信息管理和文档管理。
Complete the following six modules: document receipt module, enterprise information management module, management module of the work schedule, the work of the document management module, e-mail module and other functional modules. 主要完成了以下六大功能模块:公文签收模块,企业资讯管理模块,工作日程管理模块,工作文档管理模块,企业邮件模块,其他功能模块。
The system uses the J2EE technology and relational database to provide the users with a simple interface. So they can complete the receipt, issue the document, information dissemination, and other common office management. 系统利用流行的J2EE技术、关系数据库,给用户提供一个操作简单的界面,从而快速完成收文、发文、信息发布、档案管理等常见办公管理工作。
In the report of the information received receipt and can also receive all kinds of information, electronic coupons and additional services and information. 在收到回执报告信息的同时还可收到各类信息资讯、电子优惠券等附加服务信息。
Therefore, some districts attempted to develop transverse networking system, reducing the load of work to an extent, improving the process of pay-in-treasury, and realizing the electrical processing of tax receipt information. 为此,一些地区尝试开发了横向联网系统,一定程度上减轻了工作量,提高了税款入库速度,实现了税票信息的电子化处理。
Electric forms an electric kind of paper form and receipt is an important part of information system. 电子表单是生产活动中表格和单据的电子形式,是信息系统的重要组成。
After that, the author take the "actual receipt and payment of water information inquiries" service for example, its Client and server were implemented according to the demand analysis and design. 接下来以查询实收付流水信息服务为例,根据需求分析和设计,实现了其服务的客户端和服务器端。